Hi Guys,

Wow...! What an interesting question I've posed re. my fictional 
"...working-North-Korea-from-a-remote-location" scenario...! 

Amazingly enough, fully 7 of the direct respondents to me stated that---in one 
way, shape, or form---one COULD, indeed, have the physical ability to do just 
what I proposed...but whether it would be legal, or not, was questioned by 
about half of those respondents, & nearly everyone made mention of the morality 
/ honour in doing such a thing.

The genie is surely out of the bottle, as somebody pointed out earlier. There 
are cheaters & "...win-at-any-cost" types in every field of endeavour---Ham 
radio is certainly no exclusion to this---and no doubt, more than a few of the 
rules will be "vulcanized" by some, as they have always been...

But know what...? I personally don't care. I don't have a berth for my computer 
in my shack, & neither do I plan to set one up there any time soon, either. And 
as I thought about the issue, it suddenly dawned upon me: the Amateur world is 
probably, right now, at a cross-roads much as I think it it was in the 1930's, 
& 50's, when self-styled "...REAL Hams" still built their own super-duper 
receivers, from scratch, and thumbed their noses at those "appliance operators" 
who purchased the offerings from Hallicrafters, RME, Hammarlund, etc. Somehow 
the hobby managed to survive through that well enough, & I'm sure people will 
somehow find a way to incorporate this latest "incursion" into our comfort 
zones, as well.

"C'est la vie...!" after all...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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