Regarding the quotes below:

2.) We see any radial or counterpoise system, close to the radial or counterpoise, has to have external fields. Those fields must extend out of the counterpoise, and always cause loss when a counterpoise is near a lossy media.

3.) We see we only mitigate the loss by making current density in the lossy media as low as possible, which generally means spreading the current out as evenly as possible in the lossy media or moving the antenna and a counterpoise away from the lossy media to reduce current.

Please note that vertical monopoles driven against a set of four- or six-wire counterpoises are in daily use by several AM broadcast stations in the U.S.

These stations provide * measured * fields very close to the maximum theoretical field possible from that monopole and applied power when driven against a PERFECT ground plane -- even though these counterpoises are elevated only some 10 or 15 feet above earth of rather poor earth conductivity.

Here is a quote about one of the early cases, from the NAB paper titled

Clarence M. Beverage
Communications Technologies, Inc.
Marlton, NJ

\\  In November of 1988, our firm supervised the construction of a temporary
antenna system in Newburgh, New York under FCC Special Field Test Authority
using call sign KPI-204. The antenna system consisted of a lightweight, 15 inch face tower, 120 feet in height, with a base insulator at the 15 foot elevation and six elevated radials, a quarter wave in length, spaced evenly around the tower and elevated 15 feet above the ground. The radials were fully insulated from ground
and supported at the ends by wooden tripods. Approximately ten feet above
ground, a T network for matching the antenna was mounted on a piece of marine plywood to isolate the components from contact with the lower section of the \ tower which was grounded. Power was fed to the system through a 200 foot length
of coaxial cable with the cable shield connected to the shunt element of the
T network and to the elevated radials. A balun or RF choke on the feedline was not employed and the feedline was isolated from the lower section of the tower.
The system operated on 1580 kHz at a power of 750 watts.

The efficiency of the antenna was determined by radial field intensity measure- ments along 12 radials extending out to a distance of up to 85 kilometers. The
measured RMS efficiency was 287 mV/m for 1 kW, at one kilometer, which is
the same measured value as would be expected for a 0.17 wave tower
above 120 buried radials. //

Clearly there is little effect on the radiation efficiency of these systems due to the proximity* of their counterpoise to the lossy media of nearby earth.

 *about 8.7 degrees, in this case

R. Fry
Topband Reflector Archives -

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