> The integrity of the program is irrelevant

This one interesting sentence, made in another thread, may be at the root of
much of the disagreement expressed in the last few days with regards to
DXCC. It does cause one to wonder why the award exists at all. If DXCC only
matters to the recipient, why wouldn't their logbook serve the same purpose?
For some, it does. What added gratification does that extra piece of paper
provide? It's not exactly free. What makes the DXCC countries list so
special -- why not use some other list? Why did ARRL go to great pains to
make LoTW more challenging than online banking? Why are individuals
disqualified from the program if the award only affects *them*? Why do we
have card checkers that look for that dot between the "1" and the "8" like
the guy looking for a "hanging chad" with a magnifying glass? Finally, what
does it mean for the League to call DXCC the "premier operating award" then
turn up their hands and basically say "we can't enforce any of this.... it's
up to you guys"?

Larry K5RK

Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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