Ham radio, like life in general, is evolving. With a lot of technology change, it's a good time to breath some fresh air
and let it jell out.

E30FB did work a few NA, but only on signal peaks. Other wise they had problems receiving in deep QRM. (Even VE1ZZ had to repeat his call).


Although I am not really a DXer, I happened upon the E30 on 1811 with a
very strong signal.
There was a huge pileup of USA calling, including me.
He worked just a couple of EU stations, and no USA that I could tell.
It occurred to me he should just dial into to a Web SDR and listen.
But that is not a pure radio QSO.... If he has local noise they need to
figure out a way to hear on site. Or maybe not... I am so confused.

73, Andy N2NT

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Kris Mraz <n5kilom...@gmail.com> wrote:

CQWW used to have the Xtreme category that allowed/encouraged remote
internet stations.
Seems like that's the place for those who want to use remote
receivers. I haven't kept up with
that category but I believe it was dropped in 2013.

Kris, N5KM

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