Hi Felipe, 

Suggest you examine this website: 



----- Original Message -----

From: "Filipe Lopes" <ct1...@gmail.com> 
To: "k1fz" <k...@myfairpoint.net> 
Cc: "topband" <topband@contesting.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 3:18:01 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: BOG antennas 

Hello Bruce, 

This is a very interesting subject. 

I am about to "maybe" test a BOG here at my French QTH and I am wondering 
if there are any tests made with best terminating resistance (235ohm? ) 
should I use a 9:1 transformer or 10:1 ? 

how does it perform compared to a usuall beverage? 

Can I cross 2 BOGs for 2 directions or more? will this affect the antenna 

I recently built an W7IUV preamp, will it be OK for the BOG ? 

Thanks in advance. 

73's Filipe Lopes 

2015-04-01 16:43 GMT+02:00 k1fz <k...@myfairpoint.net>: 

> To BOG, or not to BOG, that is the question. 
> Many are aware of the good, and bad points of the antenna. 
> Good: 
> Is out of sight. 
> Requires a small space to function well 
> Typically has less noise than an above ground Beverage 
> As disturbed condx (QRN crashes) begin, it can be the quietest antenna. 
> Bad 
> The Pattern can be poor if its too long. 
> Can be tough on a lawn mower. 
> Note: Above ground Beverage antennas can cross as the low ~470 ohm 
> impedances do not couple well. 
> A typical BOG antenna has an even lower impedance of ~235 ohms and really 
> does not couple well to 
> other antennas, metal objects. ( I still avoid going over the radial 
> field.) 
> 73 
> Bruce-K1FZ 
> For more info, try a BOG antennas search. 
> Not an April 1st joke ! 
> _________________ 
> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband 
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