It came to my attention today through Dietmar, DL3DXX and Robin, WA6CDR, that 
Ray Gerrard, who held both G3NOM and HS0ZDZ call signs, passed away near the 
end of May.

Ray suffered a stroke in 2004 and had been largely incapacitated since that 

I came to know Ray as we were both members of the 2000 DXpedition to XZ0A.  Ray 
was living in Bangkok and was the integral cog who made XZ0A happen in the way 
it did.

Ray made the pre expedition trip to Thay Thay Kyun island where he made 
measurements of available space to deploy antenna systems.  This information 
allowed us to design the Low Band TX and RX antenna systems to fit the small 
amount of open space on the island.

Ray made arrangements for approximately 250 feet of Thai knock off of Rohn 25 
tower to be manufactured in Bangkok and then shipped to the sea terminal at 

Ray operated with us for 4 weeks and then supervised the disassembly of the 
towers (allowing us to operate until daybreak the last morning just 3 hours 
before leaving the island) and shipping them back to Bangkok.  The towers, 
antennas and many other items were then donated to the Radio Amateur Society of 
Thailand  (RAST), where Ray was an officer.

I was my privilege to operate the CQ 160 CW contest during the DXpedition 
together with Ray, Robin, and George-V73GT.  Ray would operate CW with a SSB RX 
filter and pick the call signs where ever they appeared in the RX bandpass.  
Absolutely amazing to me.

For those who might want to read a bit more about Ray’s great help in 
establishing amateur radio in Thailand can read the article 

It was my great pleasure to know you and operate with you Ray.  May you rest in 

73 de Milt, N5IA
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