is there a length limit on microphone cords, or key cords? Because for several 
remote stations, thats what you are talking about.....I’m currently in Leesburg 
VA, over 300 miles from home.....but I still operated MY station on and off 
this weekend, with MY antennas, MY power supplies, MY technology and MY sweat 
equity in putting it all together.....while I didnt work any 160, or any new 
DXCC entities, so what if I did? Its still my primary station location, with 
the same antennas I use everyday, and the same transceiver to generate and 
receive RF....only difference is my mic and headset cable is about 340 miles 
73, Jamie WW3S

> On 7/12/2015 8:56:26 PM, Hardy Landskov ( wrote:
> > Why don't we have the drivers of the Indy 500 operate their cars with
> joysticks in the stands or somewhere far, far away? Same thing as remote,
> right? This is not my radio!!!!
> My 2 cents.
> 73 Hardy N7RT
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Cecil
> Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 5:20 PM
> To: W0MU
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Topband: The Remote question
> Well for one thing your $100,000 station doesn't magically appear anywhere
> in the country just by selecting a new location on the computer screen
> because where it's located at the moment ain't getting the job done....big
> difference!
> I don't have any problem with remote ham radio for general ham radio
> activities...want to get on the air and rag chew, operate to keep up with
> your buddies from the nursing home, run a net from your
> condo...great...knock yourself out...I don't think any one who takes issue
> with Remote Ham Radio and systems like it would have any problems with that
> use of it at all...
> I object as many do to bringing it into the competitive aspects of the hobby
> and expecting to compete against it with a traditional Amateur Station
> implementation....and I have no issue with that if its use is
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