And Bob Brown used a monograph by J.A. Ratcliffe--"The Magneto-Ionic Theory and its Application to the Ionosphere" which says the same thing. It has to do with the angle between the E vector and the Earth's Geomagnetic Field, which is horizontal at the geomagnetic equator. Bob borrowed my copy of the book when he was writing the Big Gun's Guide.

Garry, NI6T

On 8/7/2015 6:24 PM, Greg - ZL3IX wrote:
Careful Mike! Jakarta is close to the equator, and power coupling is likely to be better from a horizontally polarised antenna, especially in an E-W direction. Ref The Big Gun's Guide to Low-Band Propagation by Bob Brown, NM7M (SK)

On 2015-08-08 12:40 p.m., Mike Waters wrote:
For 160 DX, a vertically-polarized antenna (fed against a proper ground) is

73, Mike

On 8/7/2015 16:52 PM, Nuradi wrote:

I plan to install wire antenna on a roof top of a 33rd story building
(about 110 metres above the ground) for operating on the 160M, 80M and 40M band. ... Preferable wire antenna is lazy 'laying'H or quad, dipole, slope..

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