On Sat,9/12/2015 7:33 AM, Mike Waters wrote:
How much of this was JT9? Is it ALL JT65?

It's all JT65.

Notice all the CQs going unanswered. Except for the Ukraine station, those EU stations all had pretty good signals at your QTH, good enough that some of the guys in W1/W2 should have copied them if they had decent ears.

One of the issues with JT65 and JT9 is that many stations using it are running QRP into wet strings, and they can't hear. A year or so ago, I ran a sked with a guy in ND or SD running 20W or so. I copied him just fine, but had to crank the amp to 400W to get him to hear me.

The quality of the A/D converter also matters a lot. A good outboard sound card will decode 10-12 dB further down into the noise than the sound cards built into most computers.

73, Jim K9YC
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