On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 5:13 PM, Mike Waters <mikew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> SDR fascinates me, and I intend to experiment with the technology on 160
> meters starting with a Softrock Xtall Lite 9.0 and the matching switchable
> BPF.

​This is how a lot of people get started.  It's a very cool way to
inexpensively dip your toes in the water and understand what's going on and
how you might be able to use it, etc.​


Stephen Hicks, N5AC
VP Engineering
FlexRadio Systems™
4616 W Howard Ln Ste 1-150
Austin, TX 78728
Phone: 512-535-4713 x205
Email: st...@flexradio.com
Web: www.flexradio.com
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