On 12/4/2015 9:38 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
I'm still working on this, and need a handful of states. They are CT,
VT, WV, KY, SC, andMS.  I'm 70 miles S of San Francisco, on the coast.

The best time to make these QSOs has been in the 90 or so minutes before
local sunrise at the east coast end, and for perhaps 30-45 minutes after
local sunrise. If you're calling CQ, I'll find you and do my best to
make you hear me. :)

Thanks and 73, Jim K9YC

Last night, I worked several CT, KY, and SC, and at least 1 MS.
However, these were before 0730Z. I too got up at 1130Z and I
think I only worked KY on your list this morning. OTOH, JA's
were booming in this morning, especially JA3YBK who can be
counted on to be the strongest JA, yet I didn't hear him
CQ'ing on 1811 as usual.  He called me.

Activity seemed to be down, so I didn't have a lot of trouble
getting a run frequency (even running low power) in the
"dime quarter" band (1810-1825) where JA's hang out. In the
past, this has virtually been a combat zone.

Still need (for the contest) WV and VT (always tough to find
and work from here).

Rick N6RK

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