:::: Just wanted to comment....Don't overlook Ebay for electronic parts of all sorts. I was able to replace the doorknob caps in my AL82 easily. BTW, keep extras on hand for 160 because you will need more eventually. Simply enter exactly what you're looking for and you'll be surprised at what is there , and for a good price. I have had terrific success using Ebay for lots of ham radio items with NO issues at all. They have become extremely strict about monitoring the vendors, who will go to amazing lengths to make you satisfied.

On 12/21/2015 12:03 PM, Jim Murray via Topband wrote:
Thanks to all for info on the capacitor.  The only place I had checked was rf 
parts but have not ordered yet.  Also wanted to come up with a #8 brass washer. 
 I'll go with a new original cap from Ameritron/mfj.  I saw the plate choke 
there but not the cap, will follow the link. I'll still be on 100W for a while. 
 I've been hearing pretty well on beverage/Inv.L but not being heard that well 
on the Inv.L.,   Thanks again.
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