Hello Art,

No matter what we do, there will always be people that just don't
understand us. People who think that "that ham over there" is the cause of
all their problems, real or imagined.

If we worry about what our neighbors might think, it'll simply detract from
the perfectly legal right --and fun-- we have of enjoying ourselves on 160.

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer had some unparalleled advice for us
'what-will-people-think' worriers in his best-selling books *Pulling Your
Own Strings* and *Your Erroneous Zones*. To say that those two books had a
very positive influence in my life is a gross understatement. And anyone
who frets and worries about what others might think of them should get them
PRONTO at their local public library.
This is all I could find just now:
www.habitsforwellbeing.com/what-will-other-people-think-of-me/ but those
books are far better.

73, Mike

On Mon, Dec 28, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Art Snapper <a...@nk8x.net> wrote:

> ... I need to improve antenna switching though.
> My 2.5 acre suburban lot seems to be getting smaller and smaller, while
> the neighbors are increasingly convinced that I am nuts.
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