Gary and all,

DXing on the Edge, The Thrill of 160 Meters which was wrote by Jeff K1ZM
is a very good book to know the history about 160m.
It describes Stew W1BB very in detail.

And you can read about Stew by his Web site.

Also you can see 160Meter News issued by W1BB  on Tom W8JI 's site.

Low-Band DXing by John ON4UN introduces the history of 160M and
old timers, too.

I visited Stew W1BB on April in 1981 and stayed for a few days.
Stew welcomed me, a young man from far east and treated me well.
He talked about the history of 160m and DX passionately, show me a shack and
antennas at his main house as well as a shack and antennas at the water tower
which located in a little far.
Although he and I had made a lot of schedules, we never successed to QSO of
W1BB - JA on 160M. That is a shame.

The pictures of Stew I took were used in Jeff's book and site, and the book of
John that make me feel proud of.
I took a lot of pictures during my stay. I would like to organize them and up onto
my web site after my retirement.
Time really goes fast. 35 years have passed since then.

73,   Aki  JA5DQH

At 12:28 16/01/06, Anthony Scandurra wrote:
>If you want to read more about Stew W1BB and expand your knowledge on the
>history of 160, you would be hard pressed to beat this book by Jeff, K1ZM.
>73, Tony K4QE
>On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 10:17 PM, Gary Smith <> wrote:
>> So much has been said about the Stew Perry contests and I really
>> don't know much about him except him being an avid 160M OP and having
>> the 1st DXCC on 160. I went to QRZ and read a bit more about him,
>> more regarding his memorial station. Looking at my logs, I've never
>> worked Stew in person (Never could work 160 till 1992 thanks to
>> apartment living) , nor have I worked his memorial station. My guess
>> is they are not that active on the air or I would have them in my
>> log.
>> Is there a link where I can learn more about why he is so revered? He
>> must of been one heck of a DXer on 160 to be so well appreciated.
>> Call me an ignorant Luddite
>> Gary
>> KA1J
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