
Artificial insemination is advanced technology also but pray tell me that it is more fun. We are not taking about an either- or situation of "embracing progress in amateur radio" at all. What some of us eschew is the replacement of what was here to for a relatively stable paradigm and replacing it with something that is much different. Stew Perry, W1BB, Charlie O Brien, W2EQS, and Bryce W9PNE did with what they had and made us proud of their accomplishments and contributions. Now Stew did not get in his car and use the super powered MacKay coastal stations near by to work 160 meters. He took a right turn to his hamshack location at an old lighthouse, put up a zepp antenna, and worked the first 160 meter DXCC with 100 watts. Some may call this "old school" but this is precisely what topbanders were all about. I hate to see this lost in `some pay to play scheme in the future.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
On 1/14/2016 9:00 PM, Jim Murray via Topband wrote:
  " SO what is the beef?  RHR is just another form of progress due to advances in 
technology, if we did not embrace progress in ham radio technology we would all still be 
talking to one another on Lunch boxes and Gooney boxes! "

Problems begin when technology changes ethics.

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