Mike, if you go to clublog.org, search K5P DXpedition log for your call,
and mouse over the greenie, you will see the operator for your QSO (his
call and picture). I don't think they've uploaded this morning's QSO's yet
but they are doing uploads several times a day.

W0GJ was the operator for my 160M QSO. Sharp looking guy!

Tim N3QE

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 8:55 AM, Mike Smith VE9AA <ve...@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:

> Whoever the 160m op was this morning was doing a really great job, moving
> right along at aprox 32-33wpm.  (I have to wonder if it was K9CT)
> I managed to get in the log at 1155z (10mins before SR here), however there
> were a few W1's and a VE1 that were worked 10-15mins before that.
> What surprised me (why, I don't know-It just does, even after many decades)
> was when K5P would say AA0R? AA0R?, .WB2Z.'s, KB4Q.'s and VE7S..'s would
> all
> come back to him.  Yes, most did stop calling, so I have to wonder...are
> these folks just plain rude or were they not hearing K5P well enough to
> discern who he was coming back to?
> Now, In full disclosure, I am no saint, and have been known to respond to a
> DX stn if there's an unruly p/u I hear something like VE3A? VE3A? or 9AA?,
> 9AA? ,IT9A? IT9A? or VE8AU? VE8AU? or VE1AAA? VE1AAA? but all those dance
> around my call (VE9AA). If there's any change "away" from my call, I stop
> calling.  I also listen to my xmit QRG and if there's someone with a closer
> call, I will stop calling.  Luckily, it almost always starts off with VE9?
> or 9AA? so I am good 99% of the time and rarely step on anyones toes. (and
> always feel bad if I do)
> If the DX said WB6Z? I certainly wouldn't call.  Full credit to the K5P op
> who tried to stick with it til he figured the original caller wasn't
> hearing
> him or they were getting pummeled so badly from calls not even close to the
> original, that he moved on.  Rate is king when time is limited.(dxpeditions
> only have so many days)
> gah !
> Anyways, they were doing an incredible job despite incessant callers..some
> of whom NEVER stopped calling.  They were in here solid for a good hour at
> about 529-549 (no preamp on), inverted L @ 35' a mile of radials..and up to
> 26mins past SR here before slipping into the dust.
> Well done Islanders ! Well done.
> Mike VE9AA
> Mike, Coreen & Corey
> Keswick Ridge, NB
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband
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