Hi Joel, 

My W5ZN/N4HY/W8JI passive 8-circle array really shines during 
this changeable and often spotty propagation from VP8STI. Its 
consistently significantly better than my south Beverage and 
4-square transmitting array, typically solid copy when the other 
two antennas are suffering QSB into the noise. 

My listening was cut short after I worked VP8STI during their 
first night of 160 meter operation. I had picked a random 
transmitting frequency (3 up) immediately after they stopped 
directional CQs to Europe and I nearly jumped out of my skin 
when they answered my first call. 

Sometimes its better to be lucky than good. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Joel Harrison" <w...@w5zn.org> 
To: topband@contesting.com 
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 8:07:10 PM 
Subject: Re: Topband: Topband Spotlight Propagation Theorem 

For those who may be new to 160 (and you old dogs as well), or have not 
read his material, Carl K9LA offers some very good insight to 160 meter 
propagation, including the spotlight topic. 

k9la.us is the site, click on the 160 meter tab. 

I like to read his 160 meter prop papers just before each "season" as a 

73 Joel W5ZN 


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