After looking for them at sunrise for the past 2 days and hearing nothing I decided to try earlier, so I got up at 0900Z and listened for 2 hours. Saw no spots for A35T on 160 and heard nothing. Saw no spots on 80 and heard nothing. Saw a spot on 40 and decided to see what he sounded like there. He as calling CQ UP but had the rig on simplex. He was sprinkling CQs from 7025 to 7030. I listened to a few people calling and then would hear ? on their freq, no response, then A35T would call CQ on their freq. Next CQ would be on a different freq.

Right after he went QRT on 40 I saw a spot for them on 1824 kHz from a JA. I was really expecting them to be on 1821.5. I was hoping it wasn't the guy from 40, but it didn't matter. I never heard a peep, same as the previous last two nights. I only need Tonga on 160 and this one is looking slim.

Jerry, K4SAV
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