Re Am I the only one

Dear OMs,
     Maybe part of the trouble is that for much of the EU one can not
operate higher power above 1850 KHz.    To be legal and operate more that
ten watts one must be below 1850 kHz.    Now one should also note that in CW
contests that the phone high power phone band is made unusable for SSB and
in fact the CW signals are found much further up the band perhaps so that
the power being run is above the legal 10 Watts.   These rules no doubt vary
across the EU.

     Contests which one is not participating in are often a pain but then
when you take part things have a different hue.   We should be thankful for
the WARC bands and that contests have been kept off these bands.   Meanwhile
any CW contester should be tolerant and I will be six foot under before I
try the madness of a 160M SSB contest.   Of course the likes of Stew Perry
were mad to put up with LORAN and the then 10 Watt power level.   One sixty
is a band for gentle mad men.

     Peace to all.

                    73 Doug EI2CN

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