Hello Topbanders

I would like to explain my noise issue to get opinions on search and Destroy

This noise is covering the 160m band only, 80m is good ! I'm using a HI-Z receive 4 SQ and the NW direction is as quiet can be . All other directions are noisy with the NE being the worst , SE almost as bad and SW is somewhat OK. The noise starts at 1780 Khz and rises quickly to its peak at 1820 Khz ! from there the noise levels off to 1880 Khz and slowly drops to nothing at 2070 Khz ! Wish I could post a screen shot of my panadapter for y'all to see, I'll be happy to send JPG file off list ! I was thinking maybe water in the RG6 and with the Bias T the Hi-Z uses, this may be my problem but disconnecting and testing all the coax using the 20meg scale ... all checks good ! I may replace the RG6 anyway but thinking of running a beverage at 165 degrees and see if the noise is still there . Was going to run the beverage anyway in hope of hearing Heard Is . At first I was thinking power line noise , I checked for noise using a 144Mhz AM receiver and 3 el yagi . I did find some noise to my NE but gone today after the big rain . 160m noise is still with me!

Now I have parts ordered to build a small 160 loop . With that and my K3 I'll move to different locations and see how that works out .

Yes I have unplugged everything in the house and no switching supply's that we leave plugged in . With computers off and using VFO I can see the S meter rise and lower sweeping through the 160 band .

I've ask 2 of my neighbors to disconnect their elec fence with no joy .

I have to give my pasture a couple of days to dry out , then I'll run the beverage and replace the RG6 on the RX 4 SQ with new flooded coax .

Oh and I also tried a BCB filter ..

Any Ideas what could cause the 160 only noise ?

Thanks Ed N5DG

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