The 30' vertical legs are absolutely vertical, Jim....horizontal leg is 51' 
long and I placed a 30 microhenry "end loading coil" at the far up 
well via the LDG Z11 ProII auto tuner located at the base of the near vertical 

I used the MMANA antenna design s/w to "put it together on paper" -- erected it 
yesterday afternoon.....was nervous about taking down my inverted "El" but sure 
glad I did -- MMANA said the inverted El had 1.6 dbi of gain, the Inverted U - 
sumpin' in excess of 3.5 with a lower takeoff angle....

71.5/72 de Jim R. K9JWV

From: Jim F. <>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:31 AM
To: James Rodenkirch;;
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

K9JWV... Good luck with that Inv U !   It worked great at my last location but 
not here.
Totally different terrain and the vertical feed leg here is at an angle instead 
of being
perfectly vertical.

Eric, NO3M  Wonderful workmanship in that 1928 MOPA transmitter !  
Congratulations !

When this old PC was turned on this morning an error came up and the date and 
all times
in the log were changed to year 2004 !!!  Gulp !

I know what this year is.... but,
in order to correct all the log times at least one QSO time reference will be 

So if someone would send me the time of a QSO it would be greatly appreciated.
  I didn't work many but would like to make sure those who agonized through a
    QRP QSO with me get the well deserved credit.

Thank you and 73,

Jim / W1FMR  NH

From: James Rodenkirch <>
To: "" <>; "" 
<>; Jim F. <>
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

Hearing very few CA ops this A.M. so don't expect to hear few JAs.....oh well, 
my new antenna - an inverted U - did well for me (worked far more east 
coast/new England stns this time around)  ...just put it up yesterday....80 Qs 
and 915 pts....

LOVE Stew Perry events...72 to all de Jim R. K9JWV

From: Jim F. <<>>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 10:17 PM
To: James Rodenkirch;<>;<>
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

Eric...Mopa sounded great in NH !  Did not hear Jim....

KV4FZ was loud about 0500 but no reply.
Worked NP2X about that time who was just above the noise.
Out in the dark at 8 pm laying down radials....  And will pull them in
before church in the morning.  Enjoying the condo challenge !


Jim / W1FMR / QRP / NH

From: James Rodenkirch <<>>
To: "<>" 
"<>" <<>>
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

Will be lookin' for ya, Eric...have a new antenna up (just put it up this 
afternoon) and will be PUSING my 4.9 watts out into the ether....72, Jim R. 

From: Topband 
 on behalf of Eric NO3M 
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 12:09 PM

Subject: Re: Topband: Spring Stew Perry

I should be QRV this evening with my 1928 MOPA running about 19W input /
11W output.  Already worked some EU stations with it (Four Square TX),
so hoping to catch some west of Rockies guys tonight.

Not quite QRP....

73 Eric NO3M

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