Absolutely OT but I thought I'd pass it along; the upcoming FT4JA 
DXpedetion to Juan De Nova has some good links on their web page 

I took a look at the island (habited) and saw the smaller island on 
the satellite view & wondered about its NW coastline so was checking 
it out and noticed at the far north part of the straight coastline, a 
broadcast station with obvious radial marks in the ground. Now 
that... would make one fine antenna.

And continuing off topic and speaking of fine websites, you might 
want to check out the current VK0EK, Heard Island website. While its 
all good, what is most impressive is their real time log page. I've 
never seen anything like it and it will have to cut down on SLIMs and 
dupes. It leaves no question where they are operating, who they 
worked within the last minute and what directions they are working DX 
in. Type in your call and enter and you see what bands you've worked 
them on. Leave your call in there and when you work them on a new 
band, a pop-up window tells you so within 1-2 minutes of working 

One hell of a desolate place. I scouted around it with google and 
couldn't find any sign or previous habitation. Normally there's some 
whaler's shacks but if so, I couldn't find them.


or click here:

Oh, and the news from Heard is they are hopefully getting their 80 & 
160 antennas up today.



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