I like my QC-15 noise cancelling headphones!  Worth
the money and they DO cancel-out fan noise from the
K3 and my KW amp.  I don't have any clacking
relays when I key, so I can't comment on that.  I use 
an adapter for the 1/8" plug on the QC's.
Charlie, N0TT

On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:07:33 -0400 Charles Yahrling
<cfytech2...@gmail.com> writes:
> Looking for tips for headphone types for K3, CW only, so need 1/4 
> inch
> stereo jack.
> Object is to isolate from ambient noise in the shack, such as relay 
> clatter
> from 1K-FA amp when keying.
> Been using a cheap set that came with Yamaha keyboard - I like how 
> they
> attenuate hi freq band noise, but
> tend to overdrive at high audio gain levels. Main problem is relay 
> noise,
> which throws off my keying at times.
> tnx in advance
> 73, chuck AB1VL
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