Actually there is a reason or two to match the feedline impedances when 
using these active antennas.
There are amplifiers in most of these systems that rely on their matched 
impedances to produce their best IMD capability. It may not matter in some 
areas of the world but in others with high levels of broadcast signals it 
definitely could. This of course is also dependent on the length of 
transmission line which can make the mismatch worse or even better under 
certain circumstances. Then if the mismatch is made better on one band due to 
mismatch it likely won't be on another band. One other reason that matching 
matters is the impedance a mismatched line loads the combining circuitry can 
under some circumstances cause phase and amplitude errors. This can change the 
originally intended pattern of an array. In the case of the Hi-Z arrays they 
all are supplied with an amplifier that has a 75 ohm input impedance so the 
array controllers stay accurate in terms of phase and amplitude. However this 
amplifier like most post amplifiers partially reflects its output load changes 
back to
  its input changing the input impedance. Thus the reason for the 75 to 50 ohm 
transformer as it keeps the amplifier happy.
  Now this may or may not affect some users but as a manufacturer of these 
arrays it is important to insure that these arrays will work well and do it at 
every install around the world. We have seen feedlines as short as 3 feet up to 
the 1000 foot runs I use and one that I heard of at 2000 feet.
    So my point is why would one want to possibly give away some performance 
when it could very easily be done correctly.
  One caveat is that the Hi-Z 4 and 4-8Pro have an internal buffer amplifier 
designed specially to eliminate the amplitude and phasing problems arising from 
load mismatch but it cannot maintain its IMD capability under some incorrect 
load conditions. Other models do not include this internal buffering of the 
output signal.
Lee   K7TJR  OR

>I suppose I need to ask if worrying about impedance at this point in the
> system is really worth the trouble.
> Once signals have gone through one or two stages of amplification - would
> a
> loss of a db or so in signal strength really matter?

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