The main use of the coax loop or any loop for that matter is not gain but low 
noise directivity. Placing it on a small TV rotator allows for the nully of 
local noise to help improve the SNR for the desired signal. A preamp may not be 
necessary especially of it increases the desired signal and the noise the same 
amount. As with any loop, it will interact with nearby resonant antennas and 
that can be positive or negative depending upon the orientation and distance 
between antennas.

The coax loop was my first RX only antenna at it really helped. I highly 
recommend making it rotatable because local noise sources are guaranteed to 

GL - Steve WB6RSE

>> Thanks, in advance for any 'advice' or reaffirmation I am on solid` ground 
>> here.
>> 72 de Jim Rodenkirch K9JWV

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