There are numerous reports on the web from hams experiencing RFI from and
to Uverse.  My main point is AT&T was complaining about receiving RFI,
without keeping their own house clean.
Art NK8X

On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 2:05 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV <>

> Hi Art,
> I have uVerse, as do a lot of neighbors around here, and a huge
> development on the other side of US64 from me is mostly uVerse,
> Of all the noises I have chased around here, uVerse has only been
> responsible for very weak continuous tones, and those seem to have
> gradually disappeared since they quit installing 2Wire 3800 gateway boxes
> in favor of newer technology. I don't hear any of them today, as an
> information point.
> The old faithful dirty dozen of motor speed controllers, plain ole power
> line buzz, plasma TV's, etc is really unchanged in the last ten years. I
> haven't heard solar controllers yet. In any event, absent the dirty dozen,
> the local background around here is S3/S4 and disappears in the band noise
> as the band opens up. The S6, S7 is coming from ELSEWHERE, and requires an
> open band to get here.
> In that North American continental band noise, the real killer is
> lightning QRN. There is almost never a day any more that does not have
> lightning in North America somewhere, that is the controlling noise absent
> the dirty dozen. Shall we add global warming to the list of culprits for
> forever robbing us of QRN free winters? There is no doubt on this last
> issue as such internet tools as
> live_lightning_maps.php tell you 24 hours where all the static is coming
> from. It also shows the powerful lightning storms that occur in dead of
> winter now out over our east coast water that have nothing to attenuate
> them coming back to harass our receivers. I have only noticed one lightning
> free evening in North America this fall, soon to be official winter.
> What is your rationale and data for dumping on uVerse? Not that they can't
> be responsible for crap. But basis in fact to start with?
> Not that I'm a fan, particularly, of everything AT&T does. BUT, we never
> help ourselves any by pointing fingers where the point is not specifically
> deserved. I got lots of street cred with them in getting a long term fix
> for my QRO 160 getting into uVerse and rebooting 3800 gateway boxes, by
> being specific, religiously factual, cooperative, giving them time to
> figure things out, and being willing to try out new aspects to a fix one at
> a time. They finally nailed it and have a book to repeat the fix for other
> hams with 160/80/40 getting into gateway boxes.
> Feeding them BS complaints would have derailed the entire improvement
> process.
> 73, Guy K2AV
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Art Snapper <> wrote:
>> It is ironic  to see AT&T's filings, since their uVerse product is
>> responsible for quite an increase in the noise floor on HF.
>> Art NK8X
>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:18 AM, <> wrote:
>> > Greetings topbanders. . .we’ve had discussions before on the ever
>> > increasing noise floor.  Looks like we’re not the only ones paying
>> > attention.  I live in the country well outside the Des Moines area.  In
>> the
>> > past five years or so my noise floor has gone from –125 or –130 dbm to
>> > about –100 db (or worse) as measured at daytime on my quarter wave
>> vertical
>> > with a bandwidth setting of 0.4 KHz.  It appears to be due to
>> construction
>> > of a few new houses even though they are 0.5 mile or more away.  See the
>> > link below:
>> >
>> >
>> > we-go-from-here/300031
>> >
>> > 73 with the compliments of the Season. . . Dave, W0FLS
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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