Greetings All,
    I am afraid I have to take issue with you Wolf. And this may be a clue. I 
also have experienced echoes on 160 meters. Maybe it depends on longitude or 
latitude or something like that. N6TR not being too far away has also 
experienced them.  All that being said I am positive due to my observations 
that a short delay has occurred here twice. During the one event one station 
sent me a message asking what was wrong with my signal. Tests confirmed there 
was nothing wrong with the signal and the echoes slowly faded away. 
Unfortunately I did not have the presence of mind to determine directionality 
or make a recording. The echoes were quite strong and lasted for several 
minutes. Guessing would put them at less than 100 mSec separation. My first 
thought at the time was that my receiving array was failing in some strange 
mode but that was definitely not the case.
   Lee  K7TJR  OR

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [] On Behalf Of Dr. Wolf 
Sent: Tuesday, February 07, 2017 10:15 PM
Subject: Topband: LDEs, witches and magicians

hello reflectees,
i never ever experienced echoes on 160. And i do a lot of transmitting and have 
relatively sensitive rx systems.
Given the laws of field expansion and attenuation i consider it a hoax.
I have had round the globe echoes on 20m. But was using 6 el monobander with 
power and at the rite time, when we had greyline. Sometimes 2 to three rounds. 
That was physically explainable.
Anything else is from the land of Alice.

73 de wolf  df2py
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