I hadn’t plan to participate in the Spring Stew but went to the station this 
weekend to prepare for WPX later this month. Testing out DXLog and a SunSDR2 
PRO transceiver I decided to make a few contacts just to see in what shape the 
band was. At 2250 I found NP2X and logged him quite easily using 800 watt, but 
then it wasn’t much of interest around so i continued with other things. A 
little later just after 0030 I decided to listen around again. I found Herb 
KV4FZ calling on 1818 but he was quite weak, so I didn’t bother. I was getting 
tired so I killed the power to the amp and left the shack to go to sleep. Back 
in the house I realised I forgot my phone charger in the shack and went out 
again to get it. Through the headphones on the desk I heard someone working 
Herb who now had popped out from the noice, he was 559-579 on my N/W pennant. I 
powered up the OM amp again and starting to tap my fingers on the table waiting 
anxiously for the thing to heat up. 180 long seconds… about 100 seconds in I 
hit F4 and sent a call once, just to make sure the TX antenna switches we are 
lined up and ready. About 15 watt barefoot from the SunSDR2 PRO. Bam! Herb came 
back to me in an instant with no hesitation.

15 watt, 8000 km! That was magic, it made the weekend for me! Unfortunately the 
other eight contacts logged where high power, otherwise the km/watt average 
would have been great.

73 de Björn,

Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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