
First of all in many cases the reason we need really high power on any mode is 
because other hams on the band are using it and they cover us up... so it is 
mine is bigger than yours.  Now to be fair that is not always the case I know 
but it happens far too much.  Since we are in the years of the bottom of the 
solar cycle we actually may need more power.  Also you can not compare doing 
meteor scatter or EME work with HF work.  There you absolutely need power 
unless you have stacked 18 element beams or something.  But I have seen very 
very few instances when 50 watts wont get the job done EVEN on 160M.   and NO I 
don't run my RX with a wide open front end I have an IC 7300 and I trim my RX 
and TX filters to a reasonable width based on the mode I am running.  Common 
sense (and good engineering principals) teach you if you cut the RX bandwidth 
the signal goes up in strength. You have only to try that with CW to learn 
that.    and for those of you that don't understand the principal of RX front 
end overload try having a neighbor 4 miles away as the crow files who is trying 
to call the same DX you are wanting to work he can be half a kHz away and still 
give you problems even with a good RX. Now you guys with the really big 
antennas can mitigate some of this but us little pistols have only once choice 
... wait until you neighbor is done.  And to be neighborly both my neighbor and 
I do just that.   Something to also consider when you run any digital mode even 
RTTY and you do it through a sound card you should not be drawing ANY.. not 
even a little ALC and if you do you not only will make it hard for others to 
copy you but you could easily cause all kinds of splatter on the band, you have 
only to listen to some to the signal on 40 and 20 meters to see this.

I am not saying any of this to flame or inflame anyone it is simply the way it 
is. High power is RARELY necessary on the lower bands.

Doubt me?  Set your transceiver up on WSPR and set it to 20w  and find out.  
When TB was open I was heard all over the world with that power .. and yes even 
VK.  If all of this is not convincing then follow the FCC rules .. use only the 
power necessary to do that job

Oh by the way many of these digital modes are high duty cycle and could do 
damage to your transceiver. 


On the higher bands, low power generally gets the job done. But digital
folks on 160 need to rethink a few things. Ideally, we should ALL just bump
our output up to 100 watts. But that's just not gonna happen.  😊

I don't have the time right now to add more, but I hope this thread nets
some useful suggestions to minimize QRN in the 160m digital portion.

73, Mike
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