Hi All,

IMHO, 150 feet of beverage for 160 is too little.

I would prefer a pennant or flag loop antenna aimed at Europe.  It works!

Also, being only about 30 feet in length, one can keep it on one's
property.  At a previous QTH I spaced two pennants 160 feet apart,
broadside, toward Europe and either fed them to a magic tee in phase. 
Worked well, did not pick up neighbor's spurious signals from home
entertainment devices, etc.
Even a single pennant works well enough, as long as one has a decent preamp.

George,  K8GG

> I've discovered that the woods off the corner of my property give me a
> good
> straight run where I could run a 150' or so beverage pointed directly at
> EU.
> The difficulty is...it's not my property there, but a wooded area
> connected
> to a neighboring apple farm. It isn't being used, but it's still a little
> shady to run an antenna there.
> I was thinking of getting something like this
> https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/svp-sv-bog  and running a wire into
> the
> woods.
> The difficulty is that these seem to want to be terminated at the far end,
> but I've seen people talking about using them unterminated. Given this
> isn't my land, I'd rather not drive a ground rod on the far end - we also
> have pretty rock soil and getting the rods into the ground is a bear.
> -Can I only have a ground rod at the near (feed) end and just leave the
> far
> end unterminated?
> -If I ran a longer wire, but zig zagged it how would that affect the
> receive ability?
> I figure a black length of wire laying on the ground will go basically
> un-noticed and be out of the way. Any thoughts?
> Sean Waite, WA1TE
> _________________
> Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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