Question for the group...

>From a 140 foot freestanding tower, I will suspend 4 pieces of phillystran
90 degrees apart from the top of the tower.  Antenna wire will be attached
to the phillystran such that verticals will be dropped to create a 4 square.
I will have as much vertical length as practical and still obtain the 4
square spacing required -- but the vertical length certainly will not be
close to a quarter wave.  The intent is to use the verticals as a 4 square.
In thinking of ways to increase the electrical length, should I run wire
back toward the tower from the top of the vertical section to get the full
1/4 or use a T with wire going back toward the tower and down the
phillystran to create a "top hat" effect -- or does it matter?  Obviously
this is a compromise but hopefully still an effective antenna with
directional gain.  Thanks in advance for your thoughts.  73, Greg-N4CC
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