I think that digital modes such as FT8 are a boon to hams in homes with covenants, allowing them to work the world with minimal, even indoor, antennas and QRP power levels. For them, at least, the challenge is still there. I think FT8 is so popular because there is more reward (contacts) for a given station setup compared to older modes.  No one is being forced to use FT8, which currently only occupies a tiny 1% of the 160m band (~2kHz).  Also, no internet spotting assistance is needed to see who is active (and copy-able) on the band.  I can listen to the music of FT8 by simply turning up the volume control on my K3S.

On 10/25/2017 9:38 AM, jayb1...@optonline.net wrote:
I guess I don’t understand what makes the new Digital modes any different
from old RTTY...the “sounds” are similar enuf to learn to love and the words
are still displayed on (in the old days) paper or a screen.
There are many audibly-compromised hams out there – such as me – who really
welcome a mode that doesn’t require sharp hearing to work CW or especially
In addition, I have recruited several new (young) hams by attracting them
with the computer-based modes...all but eliminates “mike-fright” and
I guess a lot of old-timers (I am 75) feel that the awards like DXCC and
WAS, etc. earned with FT8 have less merit than they did with good-old CW or
Phone or RTTY.  But few people objected when CW filters were invented or SSB
replaced AM or smaller, lighter, more efficient radios replaced the old tube
stuff...so is a CW DXCC earned in 1948 somehow worth more than one earned in
2000 using these major tech improvements ?
There will always be a place for CW and voice modes in ham radio for those
that want to practice those..and remember one of the major facets of ham
radio is to “advance the state of the radio art” which surely describes the
new digital modes.
Room for everybody out there, guys....73 Jay NY2NY
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