Well as our Sunrise seems to be too late in the night for many people, I
came on at 0400 last night . . . surely that's not too late over there?

The band was clearly open (got a +48dB RBN report from W1NT) . . . but only
had ONE DX QSO !

There were 3 other Europeans calling CQ DX too . . . again, didn't hear them
get any replies.

Roger G3YRO


>That is late evening/early morning in the North America. I'm fast asleep
>on weekdays since I have to get up for work.
>I try to operate during your sunrise on Friday and Saturday nights when
>I remind myself to take a nap during the day. Not as young as I used to
>Mike N2MS

> On October 31, 2017 at 6:15 AM Roger Kennedy <roger at
<http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/topband> > wrote:
> There are usually several of us Europeans on at around our Sunrise (about
> 0630Z) . . . 
> But even though the band is open (as you can see on RBN), no stations
> to work !
> Roger G3YRO

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