Hi Ed,

On 160 meters (as well as other bands) there are the gentlemen's agreements that do depend on gentlemen. As long as the FT* folks are behaving in a civilized manner I say they should just get on the air and take their chances like everybody else.

Personally I am completely unimpressed by FT*anything*.*! Callsign, QTH, signal report are *NOT* a QSO at my radio shack. I have also been known to handle some formal message traffic. The FT type modes won't accommodate me. My decision to shun those modes is based on known reasons that I cannot ignore. But those ops don't have to be shunned or denigrated. If they have a window I can avoid them. But when contests or DX pileups occur then all bets are off. That's when I usually turn the radio off and pickup musical instruments or take the dog for a walk or perhaps (not least) visit the XYL and help her with some of her interests. Contesters and FTers can duke it out without me. It's just a hobby that once in a great while turns a little more serious (emergency communications).


Bill  KU8H

On 11/30/2017 06:05 AM, Ed Sawyer wrote:
The more I hear and learn about FT8, the more amazingly bad this mode

There is a simple way to solve the 1840 problem.  Just "update the app" to
default to 1980 and the whole 2.5khz crowd will move up there.  Amazingly,
most won't even know they moved, they will just wonder why their 160M
antenna "isn't working the way it used to".  But then hit the tuner button
and call it a day.

This is essentially the same dialog the automotive industry is having on
autonomous vehicles.  When "normal life" interferes with efficient driving
algorithm, the answer is to eliminate normal life (ie - special lanes on
highways).  Sounds like FT8 just needs its own spectrum spice to be
sanctioned legally be the Region Bandplans.  And because IT is the one
needing the special treatment, it can adopt to whatever spot is decided for
it.  For 160M - clearly 2000 - 1980 would provide the necessary 10
"channels" it requires for future growth.



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