There is no way to supervise this behavior globally.  It's ultimately up to each op to decide on what falls under ethical conduct.  And opinions vary as to what is proper and what's not, even among peoples of a single country with similar cultural view.

I personally don't use receivers or antennas that are not located at my QTH - even though ARRL DXCC regulations make the use of an east-coast USA remote receiver point perfectly acceptable. However that's my choice and of course, compared to someone using that sort of arrangement is going to have a few more guys in the log that I may never hear which is part of the price I pay for the choice I have made.  However if another guy wants to take advantage of the rules allowing for a US-based remote receiver that is much closer to the other station, I really can't complaint because it's allowed explicitly by the rules and it's within their set of choices.  The example Peter lists of the webSDR pair is certainly possible in the modern world but that kind of QSO is not going to go into my log because I've decided that is not my personal sort of ham radio QSO.

Each of us has an obligation is to manage our own personal behavior within the scope of the official rules - what the rest of the ham world does is up to them.  In the end, each ham who looks at a prized QSL from a rare one, or who looks at the DXCC plaque on the wall with a count higher than their local competition, will know well what decisions they have made to get there.  And if they can live with the choices they have made, then I'm happy for them.


On 16-Jan-18 4:09 PM, Peter Sundberg wrote:

- Station A in North America is calling CQ on 1827.0 and is heard by Station B in Europe via a webSDR located 50 km away from Station A in North America.

- Station B in Europe is calling Station A - who is listening via a webSDR in Europe located 50 km away from Station B

- Both stations exchange 599+ reports and greetings for a fine QSO.

Wow, their signal made it 50 km via the airwaves at both ends and was then "carried" across the world via the Internet.

What a wonderful Top Band QSO, carried out "the modern way", embracing new technology.


Peter SM2CEW

At 06:44 2018-01-16, terry burge wrote:
Well I guess I had to find out what all the fuss was about so I went on line and tried some of these European webSDR's. Just worked OK2RZ and YT1AA. Also heard I5ZSS. Using the SDR it's like shooting fish in the barrel. At least when you plug into the right SDR over there. They are not going in my log but I did find out it is easy to do. And I believe it would get so easy the fascination with working the world would be gone for me. It works but the most of what I got out of it was how strong the Europeans were 'over there' and how poor my reception was here in Oregon. Like nil!

So much for that. But before you think there are only a few of those webSDR's, take another think on that. There apparently are dozens, maybe hundreds. Don't think they will care what a few of us old Ham Radio geeks think.



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