Actually, there is QRM.  In fact I gave up FT8 after about a hundred Qs  after trying to work a nameless west African who started getting clobbered mid QSO.

I just kept repeating reports hoping that the QRM would compete and move, when up popped JTAlert with a message to the effect that my QSO partner had sent a text message saying that he had my reports and I should just send RRR to complete the "contact."  At that point I turned off the radio and uninstalled WSJT-X.

Wes  N7WS

On 2/1/2018 4:37 PM, wrote:
You guys shud try FT8 on 160..DX stations hear and decode everybody at the
same time – no QRM !! They then just work their way down the list...nobody
interferes with anybody else –everybody gets a chance...jay ny2ny ....
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