Here on the east coast, we have have the Wallops Island Ionosounde. Audible
on 160M, 80M, and 40M every couple of minutes.


On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 12:48 PM, Bill Tippett <>

> Does anyone know the source of periodic wideband buzzes that sound like
> this:
> buzzz..buzzz..buzzz..buzzz (i.e. 4X then pause)  buz..buz..buz (3X ~10 dB
> down).
> I believe this may be some sort of ionospheric sounder but I've heard this
> for decades, including when I was in Colorado.  Hopefully someone knows
> what's generating this.
> 73,  Bill  W4ZV
> P.S. to K4PI re salt water.  NEC models show approx +10 dB and very low
> angles for vertical effect for horizontal.
> _________________
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