Roger, near your dawn your signal is very good here over the years on 160.
That is the time when low dipoles seem to really work well.

Herb, KV4FZ

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:23 PM, Roger Kennedy <> wrote:

> Well I've said it before and I'll doubtless say it again . . .
> In my experience, most DX propagation on 160m ISN'T low angle  (unlike 80m
> when it nearly always IS.)
> For the past 45 years, at several different QTHs I've always used a
> horizontal co-ax fed halfwave dipole, only 50ft high . . . I'm sure most
> people would agree I put a respectable DX signal.  I've regularly worked
> all
> over the world on Top band, and I've never had trouble getting through
> pile-ups to work Dx-peditions.
> Plus a dipole at 40 feet will never really be an inverted vee ! (just a
> horizontal antenna with drooping ends) - You'd have to have the centre at
> least 100ft high for it to be an inverted vee.
> Roger G3YRO
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