Rats.  I was working on my Johnson Valiant last night and forgot it was 160
activity night.

I have maybe 2 to 3 more weeks before the BOG and RBOG antennas get taken
down as well as the INV-L radials get removed.

I keep one or two radials rolled up and connected during the summer so I
can temporarily unroll them as needed,  but it’s rather difficult to work
into EU or AF with only that configuration.

REALLY hoping to work one of our VK friends before that…….

KH1 Is going to be interesting……..  I’ll probably scalp part of the lawn
and redeploy the RBOG and hope the SW direction works.   Maybe add another
few radials for the INV-L.

Of course,  I’ve been wanting to build a rotating loop for 160/80 and KH1
might be the excuse I need!

73 Mark K3MSB
Topband Reflector Archives - http://www.contesting.com/_topband

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