Hi Jim, 

Have you considered using RG-303 or RG-400 ? They're commonly 
available on the internet and at hamfests at discount prices. Its similar 
in diameter to RG-58 but rated well over 1500 watts on 160 meters. 


You don't need a high performance choke on your vertical unless you 
have elevated radials or a sparse radial system with few radials or 
short radials. A good low impedance radial system will provide 
excellent common mode suppression. 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Tony N2TK" <tony....@verizon.net> 
To: topband@contesting.com 
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2018 11:22:18 AM 
Subject: Topband: 160M Balun 

I shunt feed my tower for Topband. Presently using a Comtek 100 bead balun. 
After reading K9YC's article on baluns it would seem that a stack of five 
#31 cores with 7 turns of coax would be a better balun. 
Would I notice an improvement in any way by switching baluns? 
If the answer is I would notice an improvement what about using sixteen 
turns #12 THHN wire on #31 core as shown in K9YC's article? How many cores 
would I need for 1500W? 
Tnx for any feedback 
N2TK, Tony 

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