As a 160 meter DX'er who is also active on EME, a similar debate of the
virtues of CW -vs- JT65 (The CW competitor mode at that time) raged rather
violently within the community a few years ago. So much so that long time
ham friends stopped talking to each other even to this day. That was a
very sad outcome.

As someone who has a very heavy preference toward and love of CW I just
hope our current debate of CW -vs- FT8 on 160 meters doesn't migrate to
that level.

In regards to operating awards, especially DXCC, the same comments were
made then pertaining to ARRL creating new awards specifically for these
and it never happened and frankly won't happen now either. There already
exists a CW only DXCC award and there is a single band 160 meter DXCC
awards as well that can accommodate those who do not wish to be included
in the "Mixed" award.

I'm pleased that Jeff ZM initiated this thread and I'm very pleased to see
it continue in a civil manner. I just simply want to encourage everyone to
keep it on that level and please don't migrate down the path of the EME
community. The outcome there was, interestingly, very positive. There are
more stations active on EME now than ever before and regardless of the
mode of preference it afforded the new folks the opportunity to become
active and learn about so many different things pertaining to EME, VHF DX
and propagation. That in itself was a big plus!

73 Joel W5ZN

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