WWV has been broadcasting an outdated propagation report for several days, 
giving the solar flux as of September 18 and K Index as of 1200 on September 
19.  THIS MAY BE A TEST TO SEE IF ANYONE IS LISTENING, and if not, they’ll shut 
it down.

We’ve had similar tests from other SW services prior to shutting down – for 
example, Radio Australia a couple years ago went off the air briefly, allegedly 
for xmtr maintenance; the response from listeners wasn’t strong enough, and 
they used that as evidence to shut down permanently.

The NIST website gives an email address of:  
nist.ra...@boulder.nist.gov<mailto:nist.ra...@boulder.nist.gov>   Does anyone 
have other addresses for them?

Art Delibert, KB3FJO

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