In my case I have been listening every night the last few weeks between 2300 
and 0200 and find it hard to pick out anything due to the S7 to S9 noise levels 
at my QTH. Not even worth calling CQ if I can't hear anything......... I may 
experiment with a receive antenna this year but I don't live on acreage for 
100's of feet of wire. Plus I have power lines on three sides of my yard.
Heard a couple guys in 2/3 land work the OH0 last night - never heard him 
I'm close to 80 countries on 160 and have been stuck there for about 3 years 
due to the circumstances with noise and limited room for an efficient RX ant.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Kennedy <>
To: topband <>
Sent: Wed, Oct 17, 2018 1:07 pm
Subject: Topband: Why no NA 160m Activity?

I know you guys in North America have a lot of Lightning & Static problems
in the summer . . . but surely that's all gone now?

If so, why is there so little activity on CW from NA on Top Band?

Every night there's usually a load of us Europeans on from your Sunset time,
calling CQ DX.

The band is clearly open, from the RBN signal reports . . . but I'll often
come on for at least an hour, and lucky if I have 3 or 4 QSOs !  And even
then, it tends to be none of the big signals.

What makes it even more frustrating is that there's usually LOADS of people
posting FT8 contacts on the 160m DX Cluster . . . but very few proper CW
Stations !

Roger G3YRO

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