I wonder if touch-sensitive paddles might suit better.  I don't like them but 
you never know.

David G3UNA-G6CP

>     On 27 October 2018 at 19:08 John Randall via Topband 
> <topband@contesting.com> wrote:
>     I have moved home now and am awaiting planning permission to erect some 
> poles in the garden, but while I wait, I am wondering if there is anyone 
> doing cw with no grip in their hands or items just slip out of their fingers 
> and how the manage with a paddle key. Now I know many use automated cw 
> software, but thats not for me.
>     I use my left hand which is rather strange as I am right handed, but this 
> lack of sensation is really putting a damper on cw mode for me. Does anyone 
> out there have any tips ?One I found myself is to fasten the key to the bench 
> as sometomes I hit the paddles either too hard or too soft and the whole key 
> moves.
>     73 and I hope to be on within a couple of weeks all being well.
>     73John - M0ELS
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