Hello Jay!

Sounds like every conductive element in your home is acting like an antenna.

I'm thinking that you need to look at your station grounding.  

Is your antenna well "earthed" at the feed point and the feedline choked?
Are all your water pipes, gas pipe, duct work, and electrical common/utility 
ground point, bonded together?
Do you have a Perimeter ground around your house?
Take a look at "Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur".


Lloyd - N9LB

-----Original Message-----
From: Topband [mailto:topband-boun...@contesting.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2018 9:32 AM
To: topband@contesting.com
Subject: Re: Topband: Bizzare EMI Story

I’m sure there are LOTS of bizarre 160m RFI stories and I am going to add a few 
of mine: A few months ago, I added an ALS-600 600w HF amp to the 100w station 
on 160 and then the fun began. My XYL informed me that the timer alarm on the 
kitchen stove would trigger with each dot or dash I sent. I agreed to stay off 
160 until it was fixed. Ordered and installed 6 ferrite cores on the AC power 
line to the stove and added .05 capacitors across each AC phase in the breaker 
box to cure that issue. Once back on the air, the XYL now informed me that the 
LED light bulbs in the living room would flicker with 160m CW. Changed the 
bulbs back to standard incandescent to fix that problem. Back on the air when 
the XYL informed me that the exercise treadmill in the den would start up and 
run when I was transmitting FT-8 on
160 even though the ac switch was OFF. At this point I am ready to go back to 
2m FM but tried unplugging the treadmill which fixed that problem. I am now 
pumping the audio on her CD player in the kitchen so have to go research
that....73 all best DX on Top Band !!!
  Jay NY2NY
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