Pete and all:

A couple years after the original article, I began recommending adding 4 or 8 
radials if the ground rod alone did not provide a good pattern. The radials 
need to extend a bit beyond the loop wires' footprint. 21 ft should be OK.

My own loops have always worked with just a ground rod, first in Georgia red 
clay, then here in the midwest black dirt. Also, with just one null, in one 
direction, it may take a while to be sure how your loop is working. 

Gary K9AY

Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 17:33:38 -0500
From: Peter Bertini <>
Subject: Topband: K9AY loop -- adding additional radials?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hello to the group.  I installed a K9AY system last week and added four 21
foot radials on ground radials with a ground rod at the center.  The
antenna didn't seem to have much directivity, so today I added another four
4-ft inexpensive TV type ground rods at the ends of each of the radials.
We've had some heavy rain, but tonight I am noticing excellent nulls on
European stations when changing directions.  The antenna is located in a
wooded area, and I had assumed the ground was fairly conductive, but
apparently not... would adding another set of four radials in between the
existing four improve the system?  I am not sure how much the change
relates to the heavy rains or adding the grounds.


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