Hello again,

Just and FYI of why I asked about these new 'PL-259's'. I don't remember ever 
seeing them before and thought I had found perhaps a better style connector. 
With my hit-and-miss soldering especially on things like PL-259's I was 
actually thinking 'EUREKA!', something I can make a solid connection to the 
shield with. Once I even had a run of coax work on all bands but 10 meters on 
one of my multi-band beams. Tracked it down to not having the shield soldered 
good (or at all). Anyway, I've got 10 of these new units to try out from China 
and hope for better success. Can't begin to tell you how many times it seem I 
just can't get a soldering iron hot enough or it's too hot and the solder drips 
off. A compression style joint may be the ticket.


> On December 4, 2018 at 9:34 PM Pete Michaelis - N8TR <pete.n...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> EBAY item 192225630585 looks similar to the Multicomp clamp 
> connector  discussed on
> Towertalk early in 2011.   See:
> http://lists.contesting.com/_towertalk/2011-02/msg00214.html
> 73, Pete - N8TR
> At 09:45 PM 12/4/2018, terry burge wrote:
> Hi Gary
> Take a look at ebay 'UHF PL259 male clamp Plug lot connector for 
> LMR400 RG8 RG213 RG214 Coax cable' from 'superstore_dan'.
> Terry
> KI7M
> _________________
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