Last night around 0500Z or thereabouts, 
TZ4AM was coming into Connecticut at an 
easy 15 over 9 on the HI-Z Circle 8. I 
haven't heard any signal from that part of 
the world that strong in some years. He 
was working EU & Russia, didn't return to 
me but truly amazing signals. Maybe 
tonight if the conditions are duplicated.



> Greetings Topbanders. . . 
> Tree´s recent post commenting that "the band is in great shape"
> has some truth.  Conditions on topband this morning from the Midwest
> (Iowa) to JA were outstanding.  Conditions to at least part of VK were
> also good as the VK4CT RBN had me at 14 db. . .virtually the highest
> I´ve seen (simultaneously Luke/VK3HJ, 1000 miles to the south, said
> I was weak).  Not only were conditions good but the QRN level was the
> lowest I´ve seen it in quite a while.  While the quiet band
> certainly helps S/N and pulling out the weak ones, absolute signal
> levels this morning were on par with the highest so far this season. 
> I only worked a total of eight JA stations . . .six of which responded
> to my CQs and two of which were CQing and I sought.  After about 60
> minutes I finally gave up and went QRT.  Five or 10 years ago these
> kinds of conditions would have easily netted 15, 20, or even 30 JA
> QSOs and probably a couple in Z19.  Needless to say, things have
> changed.  
> 73. . .Dave, W0FLS
> _________________
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