Hi Jamie,

I assume you are referring to short RX verticals similar to those used in the Hi-Z and other arrays with a 20 to 25 ft vertical element.

I have extensive experience with these and have the HiZ-8 on 160, the passive BSEF-8 array with 25 ft "umbrella" verticals on both 160 and 80 meters and also have the YCCC 9 vertical array. I have never experienced a situation where I believed there was a need for any type of choke or bleeder resistor to quiet noise. As Tree has pointed out with an active array such as the HiZ or YCCC-9 this may create issues with the array amplifiers

After a proper installation to ensure good RF connections in the system and address any common mode noise condition that may exist, all of these are extremely quite at my QTH without the need for "bleeder" components.

73 Joel W5ZN

On 2018-12-19 11:19, Jamie WW3S wrote:
Since verticals are know to be "noisy" on receive, and a fix is a rf
choke or bleeder resistor to ground, anyone try that on short
verticals used for receive only to quiet some noise?
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