Hi Frank,

I don't know anything about 3-way splitters, but if I were in your situation I think I would sacrifice 1 dB and make a 4-way splitter using 3x 2-way splitters. 2-way is much more commonly used and documented, and quite probably easier to achieve than 3-way. The 4th port is simply terminated in a load, of course.

73, Greg, ZL3IX

On 2018-12-25 02:00 a.m., Frank VO1HP wrote:
Does anyone have a schematic for a 75ohm three port splitter using #73
binocular cores.   I have those on hand.   Need to feed  beverage to two
TS590SG’s and Skimmer SDR in CQWW160.

73 Frank VO1HP

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